Status: Open |
Site Latitude: N51.645365 | Height ASL Meters: 490m |
Site Longitude:W003.549269 | Height ASL Feet: 1,600ft |
Wind Direction: NNE - ENE | Height Top to Bottom Meters: 290m |
Best Direction: NNE | Height Top to Bottom Feet: 1,000ft |
Minimum BHPA Rating Hang Gliding: BHPA Pilot rating | Member status: Open |
Minimum BHPA Rating Paragliding: BHPA Pilot rating | OS Grid Reference and Prefix: SS 929 952 |
From M4 J36 at Bridgend, or from the Rhondda on the A4061. Alternative from Maesteg and Port Talbot on the A4017.
Parking in lay-by adjacent to main takeoff.
Latitude: N51.644485
Longitude: W003.547793
Vehicular access to lay-by adjacent take-off.
Hang Gliders should take off from the hill behind the road (A). Paragliders can take off from (B) in light conditions, although it should be noted this is a relatively sharp edge and rotor can be common when laying out the wing. The more common take off for paragliders in recent years has been in the large flat (more rounded) area (C) and this also takes slightly more northerly wind directions. If taking off from (C) once in the air, head to the ridge front of take-off (B).
Top landings at (A) and (B) are possible in light conditions but can be turbulent and the landing has to be precise. Thus, landing in those areas is only recommended for experienced and competent pilots (pilot rated +100 hours suggested). Top landing at (C) is generally easier for the less experienced or less current pilot.
Bottom landings in the flat part of the bowl are possible for paragliders and area (D) is provides the easiest access to the road. Beware it can be rough low down in the bowl and it’s a long and hard walk out to the road if you land away from area (D), or a steep (almost vertical at times) walk back up.
Hang Glider bottom landing is possible at (E) but beware it’s a narrow strip and paragliders will be unable to reach that landing.
Top Landing General
South East Wales sites often have very large, undefined take off and top landing areas, which may change position according to conditions. To avoid the potential for collision, pilots making a top landing should keep well away from gliders taking off, who may in some cases have limited visibility.
This is a radical site, its subject to severe rotor behind the cliffs and at take-off and anywhere behind the road. It is a large bowl that requires light prevailing winds and it can become rapidly blown out with little warning signs. The site can also be affected by sea-breeze which comes over the top of the southerly ridge and leads to severe turbulence and rotor in the bowl. It, therefore, requires some specific wind conditions and it is rarely flown by hang Gliders and only occasionally by paragliders. Late evening with light restitution type winds once the sea-breeze has receded tends to be the best (and safest) time to fly this site.
Severe rotor in areas marked is typical rather than possible.
Sea-breeze results in rapid switch of wind direction and severe rotor and turbulence in the bowl.
Model aircraft are often flown this site, sometimes large (world ranking) model aircraft competitions are held here.
All enclosed fields on the mountain are strictly out of bounds. This is a site of Special Scientific Interest – please treat it with respect it deserves. Dogs are not permitted on the hill.
SEW Members Only Site. You must have in date membership subscription to SEWHGPGC. SEW helmet sticker to be stuck on your helmet at all times.
Due to the radical nature of this site and problems with rotor and sea-breeze it may only be flown by Pilot rated SE Wales hang Gliding and Paragliding Club members and it is recommended that local site knowledge be sought before flying this site.
Site record
PG – Nick Roberts flew 24.2 km on his Advance Sigma 8 on 31 August 2011.
XC is possible from this site but it can often be affected by sea-breeze, which limits the overall potential.
All rights belong to Google Inc. SEWHGPGC is a nonprofit making organisation.
If you require further advice about a particular SEWHGPGC site please contact a Club Coach. Please report all accidents to The Club Safety & Training Officer Steve Millson and the BHPA. Please visit the BHPA for the most current Incident Report Form.
This document is a guide only.
We advise that anyone Hang Gliding and Paragliding conduct a dynamic risk assessment prior to flying any site. This should be continuously re-assessed due to the changeable conditions of the outdoor environment.
All individuals are advised to take the following into account when making their dynamic risk assessment:
Paragliding and Hang Gliding are dangerous sports that can cause serious injury including bodily harm, paralysis and death. Flying SEW sites is undertaken with the full knowledge that Paragliding and Hang Gliding involves such risks. As the pilot you take exclusive responsibility for all risks associated with your part taking in the sport.
Any liability claims towards the club are excluded.
If you are not sure. DO NOT FLY.
In the Mountains/Rivers/Lakes
Dial 999/112 and ask for the Police and then Mountain Rescue. If you are away from the road side then dial 999/112 and ask for the Police and then Mountain Rescue explaining your circumstances. If you cannot make voice calls, you can now contact the 999 Emergency Services by SMS. NB you must register this prior to an emergency.
In an emergency 999 need to know:
Who is Calling?
Your name and mobile number.
Briefly, what is the problem, including the state of the casualty. Ensure you use the buzzword Fall From Height
and Remote Location.
Cwmparc Mountain just North of the A4107 2km WSW of Cwm-parc village, Treorchy.
OS Grid ref : SS 929 952